Al McWilliams: Stone Drawings

The other show, in the West Gallery of Equinox, featured Al McWilliams: Stone Drawings. At the entrance we saw exactly that, a stone drawing. A large flat piece of marble has been cut with curving drawing lines into interlocking sections. Once inside the gallery space we found a long row of what looks like squished clay lumps, displayed at waist height. Ron Vallis explained to…


Renee Van Halm at Equinox

  On Saturday Al and I went in to Vancouver to attend Renée Van Halm's opening at Equinox Gallery This was our first visit to the gallery's new enormous space in a converted warehouse off Great Northern Way. The area has been divided into two large, very high-ceilinged exhibition spaces. On this afternoon there were two openings, Renée Van Halm: French Curves  in the East…