January Jugs & more

It took most of January to get my kiln filled. My second successful cataract operation was two weeks ago today and I'm delighted that my two eyes now see the same colours, distant vision is great and in a couple more weeks I'll get a prescription for near vision. Al and I popped in to Vancouver one day when the pervasive fog had lifted and…


Harlequin Duck jug

A special request had me researching duck shapes again. The Harlequin Duck doesn't lend itself to being a tall jug so I opted to make him with three wheel-thrown parts, plus a teeny cone for his bill. These shapes wind up imitating the way a duck walks or swims. Then what is the best way to fill him? I decided to put a filling hole…


Soda and Salt

In a comment on yesterday's blog Lynda asks me to explain why I might like to re-fire a couple of pieces in an upcoming soda firing. Most of the time the heat, flame and soda combine to give interesting, pleasing surfaces all around the pots when the kiln has reached its top temperatures.. in our case cones 10 to 12. Flashing slips can produce orange…


Super Spring Soda

In the previous blog I showed photos of most of the work that was fired in the Shadbolt Centre's Vault Kiln for eleven enthusiastic members of TriCity Potters. There's lots of good colour resulting from a variety of sprayed flashing slips. Some folks thought things were rather grey but that is something to learn about and use or avoid in future firings. Some slips are…


Easter Bunnies

  Now that another batch of teeny plates have been delivered to Jonathon's Gallery I can show photos of them here. The theme for a dozen of them was Easter. I was invited to come up with some Spring-like colours and designs, using the idea of lighter colours, flowers, bunnies, chicks and eggs. Oh lord! anyway I did it and actually enjoyed myself. As always…