Labour Day work

Half a dozen of us wound up working hard, painting plates, platters and a vase in my studio on Labour Day. This time the 'raid' consisted of Eric Metcalfe, Katie Lyle, Jacqui Ross, Paul Mathieu and new-to-us Dave MacWilliam. Alan took lots of photos of the painters but I'll just post one of each person tonight. As usual, the visitors brought lunch - quiche, salads,…


Artist plates are fired

On Friday I opened the most recent glaze firing. The top shelf held my newest work for delivery to YVR Airport Crafthouse and my latest creation, the Blue-footed Booby Jug.  All the other shelves contained the work of the artists who spent a day here recently. Alan took nice photos of each plate so that I can show here the astonishing variety of effects they…


Better photos of the 5 artists

After I'd put together the previous blog Al forwarded the photos he took of our guests. His digital SLR camera really does take much better interior photos. Here they are.                                      


5 Artists here again

Eric Metcalfe (whose birthday it was today!) invited Sally (Alison) Clay, Renee Van Halm (her first visit out here), Eli Bornowsky and Paul Mathieu to join him for another 'painting raid'. Forewarned, I slab-rolled lots of oval plates and platters, applied background slips and allowed them to become bone dry. I now have a good selection of jars of underglazes for my guests to use.…


Paul Mathieu enhanced two platters with lustre

Today 5 Vancouver artists came here for the day to paint plates and platters I'd made for them. Paul Mathieu brought along two platters he'd painted last time to show us how they have been finished with outlines in silver lustre. I'll just show those two first and make a second blog of photos of artists painting next. Paul had painted bone dry plates with…