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Close-up of the middle, saltiest area of the kiln

Kiln opening day

On Saturday December 20th Alan and Eliza came out to Abbotsford with me for the excitement of opening the latest salt kiln firing. Alan took lots of candid shots of our work and reactions so I'll just add an album below. We had lots of good ideas to share and inspiration for the next firing. There's also a link to a new Picasa album of…


Opening the salt kiln July 20th 2013

It was worth the wait! Alan came out with me to Abbotsford for the kiln opening and most of today's photos were taken by him. Sadly Nora's daughter Isla developed a strep throat so Nora couldn't join us. I've brought her pieces home and she'll get them soon. The photos into the kiln show three stages of the opening. They're useful for us to have…