The other day we drove over to North Vancouver to see a new exhibit at the Museum: ‘Entwined Histories: Gifts from the Maisie Hurley Collection’. It was the first day it was open. Featured are baskets, carvings and other First Nations artwork by the Squamish people, given to Maisie and her husband Tom for the advocacy work they did. That evening one 3/4 size mask was removed from the display, perhaps temporarily, over concerns of its ownership and spiritual privacy. I understand the move but would hope that we, the general public will be allowed to admire the mask once band members have decided on their policy for display of items like this. And in spite of its absence there are some other fine pieces of artwork to see. The show continues until Nov 6.
While we were on the North Shore we found our way to the ‘Artists for Kids’ Gallery, 810 West 21st Street, North Vancouver.
I’ve wanted to find this collection of prints for some years. It’s a fascinating initiative started some 20 years ago. Well-established artists are invited to sell a major piece of their work for the permanent collection. In return the artist then donates an image that is made into a limited series of prints which the Artists for Kids Trust sells. The funds generated go a large way towards funding an amazing Art programme in the schools of North Vancouver. Teachers bring classes in for a Canadian Art History lesson using the fabulous originals in the gallery and other classes are workshops based on some of the images in the collection. Over the years this resource has brought about the development of a big variety of Art experiences during school hours and in the holidays. In these days of reduced Arts funding from our Provincial and Federal Governments it is gratifying to see creativity in fund-raising and the exciting results.
Do make a point of finding this rather out-of-the-way facility. Our volunteer guide and major organizer of Artists for Kids, Bill MacDonald says that a brand-new Gallery to house the collection is to be built in the near future. It will be on upper Lonsdale and will be the main floor of a new Education Services Centre. Meanwhile there are tens of remarkable prints available for purchase. Go on line to read more and see what work is still there. Work by Bill Reid, Jack Shadbolt and E J Hughes are sold out but you can find a gorgeous calf by Joe Fafard, ‘School Backpacks’ by Gu Xiong and a recent Gordon Smith work amongst many others.