May adventures

There were no new blogs after May 8th because Al and I were on the other side of the Atlantic until June 1st and I didn’t take my cumbersome Macbook with me. I’m getting close to convincing myself that an ipad is essential for our next trip! Downloading photos, checking gallery opening days, arranging boarding passes etc.

Now, as I start to sort, crop and delete over 900 photos I would like to post some very selected images – pots I’ve seen, trees, brick buildings, sculptures that are inspirational. Maybe summer will come to BC and I will want to be out in the garden. I have signed up to participate in two salt firings, Cathi Jefferson’s for Fraser Valley Potters later in June and the Shadbolt Centre’s salt/soda firing in July with Linda Doherty and Jay MacLennan so I need to get out the Plainsman clay right away.

Our travels in May took us mainly on a tour of Italy with 5 days in England first and 6 days in Berlin at the end. The fun thing for me was being able to attend the ‘private view/opening’ of Jane Hamlyn’s show at the new Contemporary Ceramics Centre in London. More on that and photos of the show and other work in that gallery later.

Gillian McMillan

Gillian writes blogs about ceramics in and around Vancouver and sometimes talks about other Art, her garden, travels and family.

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