November sunshine

Today was one of those days that, unexpectedly, was very satisfying.


We knew that this was going to be the last day of sunshine for at least the next week so I decided to make the most of it. While it was still rather cold i.e. 3C I finished the spouts and attached handles to the last of the eleven jugbirds I threw last week. After lunch I drove Al up to SFU and was delighted with the view of Mt. Baker from Gagliardi Way on my way back home. It’s a rare treat – and impossible to stop the car to photograph.

Back home I took these photos and then tackled the garden. For a couple of energetic hours I dug up tomato plants and invasive ivy and periwinkles and sawed off an ancient lilac tree which is no longer earning its keep! In its place I planted a buddleia (butterfly shrub) and a pretty little tree which will have round yellow leaves next year. I still have some bulbs to plant but the sun was going down at 4.30pm. Time for tea.






Next was the opening of the current show at Port Moody Arts Centre and the Blackberry Artists Society’s Christmas show. More about that later, but the art is lovely and I bought some charming tree ornaments and chatted with lots of arts supporters and artists.

Tomorrow, when it’s raining, I’ll get back to those pots in the studio…






Gillian McMillan

Gillian writes blogs about ceramics in and around Vancouver and sometimes talks about other Art, her garden, travels and family.

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