The North-West Ceramic Foundation sponsored talks to accompany the Ceramic show at Satellite gallery. Potter and Researcher Nora Vaillant walked around the exhibit, explaining the relationships between the featured potters and their mentors. All demonstrate clearly their passion for the Leach/Hamada philosophy. This is not to say that they never work outside this aesthetic but, like many of us, they are cheerfully influenced by the studio pottery movement’s ideas and lifestyle.
Nora’s colleague in this show, Shelly Rosenblum of the Belkin Gallery spoke to us afterwards, explaining the pieces and information in the display cases, and where studio pottery of the sixties and seventies fitted into Modernist ideals. I shall post another blog on the yunomis (Japanese-style tea bowls) and the Leach wheel.
Thanks for writing this us Gill, I will definitely pop by to see it.
Could you please pass along my email address to Nora Vaillant. I have been unable to track down an email address for her. I want to provide some additional background for her book about John Reeve (my biological father).
Please also confirm your receipt of this email. Thank you very much.