This coming Saturday will be the third and final chance to meet Keith Rice-Jones as he works alongside his huge show at Coquitlam’s Evergreen Cultural Centre. The show is of thirty years of Keith’s working in clay so there are new large garden sculptures, wall pieces, his signature urns and various other strong, stained forms. Check this link to the Evergreen’s site to read their description of the show and for hours the show is open. You have until Jan 9th to see it.
For many years Keith was the Art Teacher at Port Moody Senior Secondary School so many local students will remember him. He and his wife Celia work and live at ‘Wildrice Studio’ in New Westminster. Maple Ridge Art Gallery hosted a show of work by both of them earlier this year. We are all wondering how Keith has found the time to organise not only making all these pieces but the well-planned displays in both shows.
The large space in the Evergreen Gallery is pleasantly busy as you negotiate between person-sized sculptures, stop to admire platforms showing groups of vessels, pause before interesting 3D wall pieces and wind up captivated by an excellent 9-minute video. The latter beautifully explains Keith’s working methods and the studio he and Celia share.
Alan and I made two trips, once to catch Keith on a Saturday afternoon as he tried to work on a planned large coil-built sculpture while chatting with visitors, and again when the gallery was less busy so that we could take photos. So I took the photo showing Keith. All the rest were taken by Alan. We didn’t capture everything.
You should make a point of visiting this fine show yourself and you’re sure to find pieces that you enjoy. I was particularly impressed that Keith was able to persuade the gallery manager to allow a clay ‘studio’ in the gallery space. It is, I think, part of their commitment to public education. Concurrent with this show, as with the triennial Fraser Valley Potters Guild shows, they are offering clay classes and tours using the show as inspiration.
During this Christmas season the nearby Lafarge Lake has several spectacular light displays so take the short walk around it while you’re there. Evergreen Skytrain construction makes it look as if there’s no way in but just drive north on Pinetree Way and you can get in.
Sorry I haven’t made a note of titles, Keith.
Super show! Thanks for all the images…
Come do it in the UK..