It’s been a while since I wrote in my blog so this’ll just be a catch-up. First I want to post the link to the second Picasa album of photos we took in Guatemala. Lots of you will have seen them but this way the story of our tour there is complete, here.
Two recent emails are rather fun. In one, Bette, who is Wintering in Hawaii, included a photo of one of my bird-feeders being used by her local birds. So nice!
And another email asks me if I make Pileated Woodpecker mugs. I sent him an iPad drawing of a possible large PW with room for four fingers, and now I shall being mailing one to Indiana!
I want to write a little about our 3-day stay in Bellingham, just across the border in Washington state, for the NorthWest Anthropological conference just over a week ago. I spent my time finding and visiting potters. More about that very soon.
But for tonight I’d like to include a final reminder that you can still register for the workshop this weekend organized by TriCity Potters. We have Susan Delatour Lepoidevin coming down from Princeton to show how she makes her whimsical fairytale houses and to assist participants in making their own. If you are a beginner in clay don’t worry. This hand-building endeavour is more about using your imagination and enjoying yourself than the need for great skill and experience. We can supply suitable clay and colours if you don’t have any of your own. ACT, Maple Ridge Art Centre is where the workshop takes place and there are still some spaces available – but register today!
This poster is rather small, so the best way to register is probably to phone 604 465 2470.
My garden will be in this year’s ‘Art in the Garden’ tour, in the Tri-Cities, on July 19th. I’d like to display the finished houses that day if I may. We will be featuring clay art by TriCity Potters.