Splendid Plates by Monique and Renee

The latest collection of painted plates was taken out of the kiln yesterday and Al took good photos of them. These new plates are quite spectacular. I’ll post pics of work by Monique Fouquet and Renée van Halm first and then do another post to show pieces by Eric, Rebecca and Mina. Philippe left four plates here, unfinished, to complete another day.

Monique, bless her, drove out here to Port Moody this morning to collect them. I didn’t see myself driving in to town before Christmas and I knew some of the Raiders hoped to give their work away.



Here are Monique’s two oval plates. One had been painted with orange previously and she added grey over some of that and then meticulously painted in the angular shapes. Astonishing!






Her other plate started out looking loosely painted but gradually forms appeared and we’re now looking at a mysterious space-like environment. I’m so impressed.











Renée had left two large pieces from September almost finished and completed them on the recent Raid. They were made by slumping slabs into found Value Village plates.



The long rimless oval one is a charming sixties shape. Look what she’s done with it!


I had made her another large circular dish, from a metal lampshade mould, and it makes for a striking form for her careful collage painting.



Her fourth piece is a little triangular dish.

Check the next blog for work by Eric, Mina and Rebecca.


Gillian McMillan

Gillian writes blogs about ceramics in and around Vancouver and sometimes talks about other Art, her garden, travels and family.

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