More plate painting

4ofusThree more Vancouver artists came out to Port Moody on Wednesday to paint the plates they plan to donate to the Western Front Fundraiser. Last week Mina, Philippe and Monique were here and yesterday it was Eric, Renée and Rebecca. They are all comfortable with using underglazes on bone dry clay plates now and quickly settled down for a quiet day – well, along with some hilarious conversation!eric


All I have to do is make sure there are enough blanks made beforehand (and they can sit forever in my cupboard, dry) and top up the underglaze jars.




Again the potluck lunch was outstanding – home-made soup, baguette, cheeses, cold cuts etc. The kiln was firing all day too, finishing just at my bed-time. Eric was pleased to see how smart some two-thirds of the painted tiles look, now that they’re glazed. I’ll post pics of them all when the next ones are fired.


rebrenPhotos today are of the little group hard at work. During the afternoon Renée and I made another large round platter, using her found metal lamp-shade as the form. I’ll turn it out this evening to dry the underside.

Deep platter with raised edge, 16" across at this stage
Deep platter with raised edge, 16″ across at this stage
Platter seen from underside, on my turn-table
Platter seen from underside, on my turn-table









Here are the new oval plates from this day and a tile by Rebecca, painted just for fun. Renée will choose which of her plates to donate when she sees how they look finished.



Next firing will include these, some of the work from last week and all the stoneware pieces I’ve made for a salt firing down the road. After that I really have to return to earthenware and get some serious work done. There’s almost nothing in my BC galleries and now Lottie says I should include a Wren in my next batch for Primavera!

Renee, Rebecca & Eric
Renee, Rebecca & Eric


Gillian McMillan

Gillian writes blogs about ceramics in and around Vancouver and sometimes talks about other Art, her garden, travels and family.

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