Soda Pots

This is the jugbird I left at Shadbolt pro tem.

It’s time to post the results of my part of the recent soda firing at Shadbolt Centre. Just today Al took photos of the latest earthenware, electric-fired jugbirds so those will appear very soon, but I like to keep my notes chronological.













Since I got to see the new salty-like pots we have been very busy with important things like family birthdays and a much-anticipated holiday on Vancouver Island. I even left the cooling fired pots in the electric kiln for two weeks while we were away!

So today was a chance to scrutinize both types of work and consider the differences. I even had fellow potter and painter Dorothy Doherty here to add her thoughts, over a cup of tea. She was dropping off a few stoneware pieces for me to add to the bisque load of Raider’s plates that I was starting. Her work only needs to be bisque fired because they’re destined for the next wood firing at Shadbolt Centre.

My stoneware pieces were thrown in 2016. There are four jugbirds, three mugs, three tumblers, a tiny vase and a couple of small bowls which I had sprayed with a variety of slips to encourage orange peel or flashing. I am only posting photos of one side of each piece but there are marked differences in surface finishes around each one. It’s possible I’ll refire one or two but on the whole I’m satisfied with how they turned out. So, anybody who was hoping for me to produce some purely salty pots in the future, this is my new reality. The soda offers some super areas combined with quieter patches and I think I can be happy with that. Opinions on merits and disadvantages of each option would be welcome.







I had some little test cups and a couple of re-fires in this kiln too. One 2010 tankard, made at Medalta, now has some gentle carbon-trapping and orange peel.








Yes, I shall sign up for another soda firing opportunity – but must first find the time to produce the ware. TriCity Potters have requested a soda firing at Shadbolt Centre and I gather that will happen next Spring. For now the bright earthenware jugbirds are calling for attention. Various bird mugs, jugs and vessels need to be made.

Next blog will show the new collection of those. I wonder how my bird mugs are being received at the Gallery of BC Ceramics August shows ‘You Snooze, You Lose’?


Gillian McMillan

Gillian writes blogs about ceramics in and around Vancouver and sometimes talks about other Art, her garden, travels and family.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. christine

    LOVE the look and effect of your new soda fired pots, jug birds and bowls!

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