Tang at galleryjones

Recently Al and I spent a happy afternoon on South Granville street checking all the galleries. Highlights were: finding BC Binning paintings in the downstairs show at Art Emporium, the amusing, slightly mind-boggling reverse-perspective work by Patrick Hughes at the Winsor Gallery and the Joe Fafard sculptures in the new 'Masters Gallery Ltd.' We walked across 4th Avenue into the now trendy Armoury District to…


Bird Art Installation Day, Burnaby

All around the world today (well, almost) was Bird Art Installation Day! Artists installed their bird art in group locations for just a few hours and have taken lots of photos. Local found-object sculptor Bill Thomson invited those he thought would be amused to make birds for this pop-up event and he and Burnaby Arts Council provided their garden behind Deer Lake Art Gallery. The…


Other English events

Just so you know that my whole English trip wasn't just about going in to Cambridge, here is a link to a Picasa album of photos of other things I did while over there. https://picasaweb.google.com/112208740085943894765/GillianSEnglandHolidaySept2012 I shall put together an album of all the gorgeous pots and potters I found but not today. In spite of the amazing dry and sunny weather I am inspired…


Pots in Primavera

I've been home from a 10-day holiday in England for almost a week now but still feel somewhat jet lagged. But the days over there were packed with happy, exciting, nostalgic events. A particular highlight was taking 12 jugbirds into Cambridge, to Primavera on the King's Parade. My brother Bill and sister-in-law Lottie helped me carry a box and a bag on the bus from…


Blue-footed Booby Jug

My most recent glaze firing included a new bird, my interpretation of a Blue-footed Booby from Galapagos. This little Picasa album shows some of the process of putting this guy together. I chose to use the different colour of his back feathers to make a handle and to increase the volume of liquid this jug could hold. https://picasaweb.google.com/112208740085943894765/BlueFootedBoobyJug I had such fun assembling him. The…