Plates by two more artists

Here are photos of the plates painted by Eli Bornowsky and first-time visitor to my studio, Renée Van Halm. They both treated the underglazes very much as paint, freely mixing colours, rather than maintaining unicolour areas.                       Renée's are painted from collages she had assembled beforehand. It was marvellous to see how she created these bold images…


Artist plates are fired

On Friday I opened the most recent glaze firing. The top shelf held my newest work for delivery to YVR Airport Crafthouse and my latest creation, the Blue-footed Booby Jug.  All the other shelves contained the work of the artists who spent a day here recently. Alan took nice photos of each plate so that I can show here the astonishing variety of effects they…


Bike ride in beautiful Vancouver

It felt so good to finish painting the 10 jug birds on Friday. Now I can get a bisque firing started for all the plates sitting in my kiln! While they dried Alan and I decided to take advantage of a perfect end-of-summer day and put our bikes on his bike-rack and drove in to Vancouver's Coal Harbour. My picasa photo album shows our interests…


August 2012 Jugbirds

Alan took good photographs of my latest series of Jugbirds. This is the link to the Picasa album of 12 pictures: I'm particularly happy with the two new Loon Jugs and the 'Many a Slip' Jugbird. Do tell me which you like best!


Better photos of the 5 artists

After I'd put together the previous blog Al forwarded the photos he took of our guests. His digital SLR camera really does take much better interior photos. Here they are.