5 Artists here again

Eric Metcalfe (whose birthday it was today!) invited Sally (Alison) Clay, Renee Van Halm (her first visit out here), Eli Bornowsky and Paul Mathieu to join him for another 'painting raid'. Forewarned, I slab-rolled lots of oval plates and platters, applied background slips and allowed them to become bone dry. I now have a good selection of jars of underglazes for my guests to use.…


Sophie’s Restaurant with new Metcalfe art.

On our way into Vancouver last Saturday we stopped off at Gardenworks for a trellis and a few more plants. I was able to get some planted on Sunday but since then it has rained continuously so the last two plants are having to wait. We're told that this June is shaping up to be a record for rain and cold. So I'm glad we…


Artists’ plates finished

What a relief to open the kiln this morning and find that all the work is bright and buttery smooth! I was firing plates painted by Paul Mathieu, Monique Fouquet and Eric Metcalfe as well as my own work and dishes and tiles painted by my niece and great-niece when they were here from Texas. Here are the plates, all made of white earthenware this…


Artists here again today

A perfect day to be in the studio - rainy but not cold. Once again Eric Metcalfe arranged for a group to come out to Port Moody to paint plates. Monique Fouquet was the driver for Eric and Paul Mathieu. Plates requested were a yellow and a grey for Eric, two white for Monique and two larger white platters for Paul so I made them…


Visiting artists’ painted plates

Last Thursday I opened the glaze kiln so I had some new plates, jug birds and mugs for ArtWalk. And finally the plates painted by my visiting artists Eric Metcalfe, Allyson Clay, Monique Fouquet and Eli Bornowsky were finished. Al took these photos and the artists seem pleased with the results. I make them by slumping a slab of red earthenware clay into my wheel-thrown…