Labour Day work

Half a dozen of us wound up working hard, painting plates, platters and a vase in my studio on Labour Day. This time the 'raid' consisted of Eric Metcalfe, Katie Lyle, Jacqui Ross, Paul Mathieu and new-to-us Dave MacWilliam. Alan took lots of photos of the painters but I'll just post one of each person tonight. As usual, the visitors brought lunch - quiche, salads,…



  Only three artists came out to paint the other day. I invited them to help fill my kiln and as usual it was a productive day. While Sally Clay, Katie Lyle and Eric Metcalfe concentrated on their plates I was busy getting my jugbirds painted.     Katie had asked for a large platter this time and she spent all day making sure the…


New painted plates

  Another bisque firing last weekend took care of maybe half of my stoneware pieces for the next salt kiln and the latest painted plates, this time by Eric, Katie, Jacqui and Marian. The glaze firing was just for their work. I had no earthenware work to add to it but I don't mind firing with half a kiln, the cost of electricity isn't too…

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Another painting raid

What better way to spend the Victoria Monday holiday than to have artists here to paint, chat and eat lunch together? The visitors this time were Eric Metcalfe and Katie Lyle again, and first-timers Western Fronter Jacqui Ross and recently retired Emily Carr instructor Marian Penner Bancroft.   As usual total concentration prevailed and wildly different images appeared by late afternoon. We were able to…


Six new plates

Just before Alan and I left for our Mexican holiday I opened my kiln. So I was able to deliver the ten jugbirds to YVR Crafthouse as we left for our flight. Helping to fill that kiln were the most recent painted plates, so here they are. The first two were painted by Katie Lyle. These are her first pieces painted on ceramics. There is…