Primavera pots

Today I am just posting photos of pots I found in Primavera in September.   There are earthenware pots and animals by Jennie Hale, salty work by Walter Keeler, Steve Harrison and Jane Hamlyn, abstract colourful jugs by Paul Jackson, large beautiful pieces by Richard Batterham and an amusing sculpture by Tessa Fuchs.   The last photo was taken by my brother Bill this week…


pots in Cambridge

We spent a day in Cambridge on Oct 6th. Our ramble through the city took us past Primavera, one of the best Fine Crafts Galleries. We always check it out to see their latest selection of great pots. There were teapots by Walter Keeler and others. I was amused by Jennie Hale's raku birds. The other important destination for me is the Fitzwilliam Museum. I…