pots in Cambridge

We spent a day in Cambridge on Oct 6th. Our ramble through the city took us past Primavera, one of the best Fine Crafts Galleries.

We always check it out to see their latest selection of great pots. There were teapots by Walter Keeler and others. I was amused by Jennie Hale’s raku birds.

The other important destination for me is the Fitzwilliam Museum. I liked the red swirly sculpture outside the entrance. Sorry, I didn’t make a note of the artist.

After buying cards of Iznik tiles in the great gift shop I enjoyed the ceramic collection. Again, it focuses mainly on British pots. Here are photos of splendid slip-trailed plates, the Walter Crane Swan Vase and a startling Martin Brothers Tobacco Jar.

Two days later we flew from London to Istanbul. I’ll post some images eventually.

Gillian McMillan

Gillian writes blogs about ceramics in and around Vancouver and sometimes talks about other Art, her garden, travels and family.

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