Nora Vaillant at High Fire Culture

The North-West Ceramic Foundation sponsored talks to accompany the Ceramic show at Satellite gallery. Potter and Researcher Nora Vaillant walked around the exhibit, explaining the relationships between the featured potters and their mentors. All demonstrate clearly their passion for the Leach/Hamada philosophy. This is not to say that they never work outside this aesthetic but, like many of us, they are cheerfully influenced by the…


High Fire Culture: Locating Leach/Hamada in West Coast Studio Pottery

Thursday May 23rd saw the opening of High Fire Culture; Locating Leach/Hamada in West Coast Studio Pottery at Satellite Gallery. The show will be open until July 6th.   Curated by potter and independent researcher Nora Vaillant and Shelly Rosenblum, curator of Academic Programmes, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, the show has assembled work by nine BC potters who have been influenced by the…

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