Soda Pots

It's time to post the results of my part of the recent soda firing at Shadbolt Centre. Just today Al took photos of the latest earthenware, electric-fired jugbirds so those will appear very soon, but I like to keep my notes chronological.                         Since I got to see the new salty-like pots we have…


So-da Time is Right!

I was impressed by the results of the Ruthanne Tudball soda firing this last March. It was opened on the day after the most recent Clay Symposium at Shadbolt Centre and there were some juicy orange peely surfaces. For a while now I've been enquiring around for opportunities to participate in a salt firing again without any success. Last year I made about fifteen pieces in…



Lots of candy has been given out in spite of pouring rain and now, as I write, there are loud fireworks exploding all around the neighbourhood. While it's been raining I've been happily busy in my studio. At last I have space in a salt kiln scheduled for November so my recent work has all been stoneware. Yesterday was devoted to mixing more slip to…