Mexican holiday

It’s two weeks since Al and I returned from 12 days in Mexico. We spent 3 full days in Mexico City and it was great to see this bustling city again after 39 years! When we were there before we had driven from Vancouver in a Volkswagon camper-van with our blonde one-year-old son Steve. Templo Mayor Aztec temple had just been discovered. Al was there in the mid-eighties co-leading a tour. In the intervening years there has been a vast excavation and it was a thrill for Al to see what had been uncovered. There is a fine museum to display the finds.

On another day we took the metro to Chapultepec Park, first to see the (free) zoo and then we spent the rest of the day exploring the splendid Museo Antropologica again. Here is the link to a Picasa album of photos taken in Mexico City.

Then we flew on to our favourite Mexican holiday spot, the town of Puerto Vallarta, for a week. We like to stay in the town and this time chose Los Arcos hotel near a brand-new pier on Playa Los Muertos.

A couple of times as we walked along the beach we came across a young Blue-footed Booby. How lucky is that?! I had imagined they only lived in the Galapagos Islands. Apparently there is a colony living on ‘Los Arcos’ rocks just south of the town.

Again I have a link below to photos of the warm, relaxing, walkable, photogenic town. Enjoy the tropics while you await Spring here!

Gillian McMillan

Gillian writes blogs about ceramics in and around Vancouver and sometimes talks about other Art, her garden, travels and family.

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