Just before Alan and I left for our Mexican holiday I opened my kiln. So I was able to deliver the ten jugbirds to YVR Crafthouse as we left for our flight. Helping to fill that kiln were the most recent painted plates, so here they are.
The first two were painted by Katie Lyle. These are her first pieces painted on ceramics. There is an interesting face emerging on one of them.
Then there are two more by Eric Metcalfe. One is on a yellow ground and the other is on white. It’s fun to pick out possible forms in his designs.
And two are by Monique Fouquet. I really enjoy the swirly lime green with the black.
It seems as if black will be the unifying theme for the eight plates we intend to assemble for the Western Front fundraiser in March. We are expecting artists here again tomorrow so I’ll post some more about that when their work is painted.