Last Thursday April 4th our grandson Caleb Yulie Daniel McMillan was born. He weighed 7 lb 4 oz and according to his dad ‘he’s perfect’! Here are photos of him, his parents Jennifer and Steve, and Alan, me and our other son Mike, taken in the hospital and just after they came home to Port Coquitlam.
We drove out to Maple Meadows hospital on Friday afternoon to meet Caleb before he was 24 hours old. Jen had done very well and was looking quite perky. We’re so happy mum and babe are fine and we’ll look forward to a somewhat altered future! It’s so good that Steve and Jen live only 15 minutes’ drive away. Jen’s parents and her sister and family live about the same distance away, to the east.
Just to stay on the pottery theme that this blog tends to follow, we did stop in at the Maple Ridge Art Gallery that day too and were able to see Celia and Keith Rice-Jones’ show there. I’ll post some pics of that next.