Gloria Barkley writes on ArtWalk

Local clay artist, writer and long-time friend Gloria Barkley made a point of looking for all the potters on ArtWalk. She took photos of us and has written a little account of her wanderings that day. Sadly, Martha, she didn’t find time to get to your studio. I invited Gloria to be my first guest blogger.

Art Walk 2013

    I must stop at the Gillian McMillan Pottery Studio and admire her multi-coloured jug birds- a marvelous flock posing as if just having landed on her display table. “More visitors this Sunday than rainy Saturday,”says Gillian.



    Next, I drive along Spring Street, find a gravel parking lot with an actual space waiting.


  What a joy to look along Clarke Street and see welcoming purple flags saying “Art Work Here.”

    I see Clive’s orange bowl display (part of The Gallery Bistro space.) He’s busy schmoozing with clay devotees but he pauses long enough for a photo op. “Sales are good,” he says.

    Next I come across Ysy’s “Spacial Art Studio” i.e. Ysabella. She and Robert delight in explaining their studio space and all the impressive clay art on shelves and tables ready for sale.

     I pause outside The Gallery Bistro to change camera batteries. Helen Daniels waves and invites me inside to see her new venue which specializes in superb soups. Helen introduces me to Art Walk designer Mandara Lebovitz.

     I mosey along past craft and flower shops to Originals Coffee Shop (Mexican food).

 I interrupt Ninna lunching with her husband.  She shows me her lovely display of clay art shelved at one end between diners’ tables and which catches my eye on entering the venue.


     Twice I head toward Martha’s Pottery Studio to get a photograph. Twice someone stops me to chat so I’m sorry to say I run out of time and miss getting a picture of Martha’s  studio and clay work which I know is plentiful and striking.

    But that’s the fun of the Art Walk- I enjoy not only clay art but enjoy meeting art lovers here and there walking along the way.   -0-

 Gloria Barkley


My own account of ArtWalk appeared on April 15th and I followed it with some comments that might be useful when the event is being planned for next year. Fellow potter Linda Lebrun added her thoughts and has said I can publish them here.


There were a couple of places we went into, expecting to see some art, but there was none.  Aroma restaurant was one, guitar shop, and several others.   Numbers were displayed in the Queen St. area, but there were no artists there.  It was great to have a number of artists at the Bistro, that was a treat.  Although there was an effort made, there was actually very little to see or do on Queen Street.  I have no problem with a central location that maybe offers entertainment, food, children’s activities, etc.  which can all add to the ambience,  but that is not the heart of the Art Walk.  That should be the artists’ studios.
Linda Lebrun


Gillian McMillan

Gillian writes blogs about ceramics in and around Vancouver and sometimes talks about other Art, her garden, travels and family.

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