HANDS That Shape Our Community

This evening is the Artists Reception for HANDS That Shape Our Community. The event will be at Gallery Bistro on Clarke street, Port Moody, from 6.30 – 8.30pm.


The project started with photographer Tracy Riddell’s idea of photographing the hands of Port Moody artists. Several photographers joined the project and together with the artists involved formed ‘Inlet Artists’.

Some of the photographs were shown in Port Moody library in February and in the current incarnation of the show, some of the artwork has been included.

Do pop down to see the little show in Helen and Rainer Daniel’s Gallery Bistro, either during the reception this evening or any day until June 16th.


My photos are of some of the professional photographs and the related artwork. Please forgive me for not having included all of the artists’ names. You’ll need to find out for yourself!

Gillian McMillan

Gillian writes blogs about ceramics in and around Vancouver and sometimes talks about other Art, her garden, travels and family.

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