This time last week I had just completed a two-day workshop for the Cariboo Potters Guild of Williams Lake. I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend so many miles away from the city, and I hope that the potters I met all found some part of my process useful.
There were people attending who were new to clay and keen to learn as much as possible about hand-building, throwing and using slips. And there were those who have been potting as long as I have. Joan Beck, who invited me to give the workshop and with whom I stayed, still has a busy practice. She was about to tackle an order for many mugs. Lesley Lloyd sells her ‘horse-hair raku’ pieces at the Gallery of BC Ceramics and was one of the participants in the ‘Pottery and Archaeology Tour’ that Alan and I led in 2005. Joan and Lesley were super helpful assistants for me.
The ten who actually took the workshop allowed me to take their photos. These were taken on the second day when they were working on decorating their tiles and/or plates.
More about the workshop in my next blog.